2010 Bratislava shooting

2010 Bratislava shooting

Devínska Nová Ves skyline with typical panel buildings clearly visible in the background
Location Devínska Nová Ves, Bratislava, Slovakia
Date 30 August 2010
~ 10:00 (UTC+2)
Attack type Shooting
Weapon(s) Vz. 58
two pistols
Deaths 8 (including the shooter)
Injured 17 (3 seriously)
Perpetrator Ľubomír Harman

The 2010 Bratislava shooting, or Devínska Nová Ves shooting, occurred on 30 August 2010 when eight people (including the perpetrator) died and at least 17 were injured after a lone gunman opened fire in Devínska Nová Ves district in a suburb of the Slovak capital, Bratislava.[1][2] The shooting spree took place both inside a local panel building and later in the street outside.

This was the second-deadliest attack in the modern history of Slovakia.[3][4] This is the first time in Slovak history that a mass murderer went on a shooting spree. According to police chief Jaroslav Spišiak, Slovak police has to consult with other countries and find the best precedures for these cases, something that has not yet been done, as of February 2011.[5] The shooting remains controversial not only because the killer's motive remains unknown, but also because of purposefully withholding information from the public by the authorities and what is generally perceived as a failed police action.



Devínska Nová Ves is a rather isolated district on the outskirts of Bratislava, with some 23.000 inhabitants and another 10.000 people commuting to work here (mainly because of the Volkswagen factory, usually bypassing the district proper). At the time of the attack, there were mostly elderly people at home in the apartment building. On the streets, it wasn't as busy as during the morning rush, but there were still quite some people waiting for a bus, or parents taking a walk with small children. The attack started in a panel building, that houses a kindergarten on the ground floor, but since it was the summer holiday, it was empty. There are over 20 policemen serving in the district.

There have been efforts to explain the attack by the tension created after the mass construction of apartment houses and a huge inflow of inhabitants during communism. While it is true that social cohesion is lower in similar environments (see for example Petržalka), no proof has ever been produced in this case.


Czech media routinely report that at this time some local inhabitants hand out their bulletproof vests to the engaging police officers.[9]

During the attack, the shooter is seen repeatedly touching the barrel of his rifle, checking if it is not overheated. This is verifiable from amateur footage made by eyewitnesses.

Many former policemen, soldiers and border-guards live in the Devínska Nová Ves District. During the shooting the perpetrator noticed a man in a window and shot in his direction, hitting his hand. The wounded man, a former professional sniper, subsequently aimed at the perpetrator, but later decided not to intervene and was only watching the police action with binoculars.[12]

During the shooting the local authority instructed people through local radio to avoid standing near windows and to leave the Ján Smrek, Pavol Horov and Štefan Králik streets. "We have verified the information from the police, so we are warning people," said Mayor of Devínska Nová Ves Vladimír Mráz.

Soon after the attack, the police sealed shut the whole district of Devínska Nová Ves, not letting anyone inside and checking every car leaving the district. According to eyewitnesses, after arriving at the exits, the police were just talking for a few minutes, letting people out of the district before starting the searches. Public transport was redirected around the district for an unspecified amount of time.


The shooter was a 48 years old Ľubomír Harman who lived on the same (third) floor of the same building at Pavla Horova street as most of his victims. For over 20 years he was living in this one-room flat, seldom or never visited by anyone. He legally owned six guns including a semi automatic Vz. 58 Semi-automatic_rifle. He owned the rifle legally for sporting purposes.

The Slovak police corps president said that Harman was in no relationship with his victims.

Together 16 bullets were fired at Harman by the police, with the sixteenth bullet wounding him fatally. The final shot came from a special ops member,[5] while three other policemen tried to shoot Harman unsuccessfully before.[13] According to autopsy results, Ľubomír Harman was fatally hit into the left side of the chest and afterwards he shot himself.[5]

The first reports from the place informed that the shooter was an intoxicated boy, approximately 15 years old. Later that day, a single picture taken from one of the balconies above the street by witness Matej became available to the media. In this iconic picture Harman is standing on the street holding his rilfe and looking up at the balconies.


Targeted killings[13]
1. Jozefa Slezáková (born 1934), killed at the apartment, retired, owner of the one-room flat.
2. Mária Slezáková (born 1966), killed at the apartment, daughter of Jozefa Slezáková.
3. Ružena Halászová (born 1959), killed at the apartment but did not live there, daughter of Jozefa Slezáková, described by neighbors as problematic. She returned from The United Kingdom several months before the attack and started visiting her mother.
4. Jozef Slezák (born 1998), killed at the apartment, son of Mária Slezáková, because of his very long hair at first misidentified as a girl.
5. Stanislav Slezák (born 1983), killed at the apartment, grandson of Jozefa Slezáková, his mother did not take part in the massacre.
6. Jozef Pútik a.k.a. Vinco (born 1961), killed right in front of the building, partner of Mária Slezáková and father of Jozef Slezák. He was of Roma ethnicity. According to an interview with his brother a few hours after the massacre, he often visited the apartment to look after his son Jozef.
Random killings
7. Gabriela Košťálová (born 1958), shot when looking down from her balcony, died inside her apartment at Jána Smreka street, found in the late afternoon by her partner.
8. Ľubomír Harman (born 1962), suicide at an unspecified location.

The police found five dead in the flat. They were all members of the Putík family.(questionable)[7](English)[14] Although initial reports claimed that the family was of Roma ethnicity, it was not; some of the partners of the female victims were Roma (one of them also being the victim), while the family itself was white.[15] The last victim (Ms. Košťálová) was later found by her relatives on the balcony of a different apartment. It was a 52-year-old woman who was not related to the other victims. She was shot when looking down from her balcony.[16]

Five years prior to the shooting Slovak television station Markíza made a reportage about the family of the victims. The reportage was instigated by the neighbors of the family. According to it all other inhabitants of the block of flats signed a letter inviting the reporters. At the time the reportage was made, only two of the victims were living in the flat, while the others moved in later.[17] The reporter starts by saying that "in a block of flats, where tens of families live near each other, one bad neighbour may be a real catastrophy". He continues by claiming that the inhabitants had even faced death threats from said family, and therefore nobody was willing to talk directly to the camera. Later it is revealed, that the family had not paid rent and therefore is facing eviction, however due to the laws in Slovakia, which favour tenants, the process may take very long. The family denied all allegations. According to the report the police were called a number of times to solve the situation, however no progress was made.[18]

Of the 15 people taken to the hospitals, 8 required longer hospitalization, with 3 people being in serious condition. According to the spokeswoman for Bratislava's University Hospital, Rút Geržová, "two, including a 33-year-old Czech man, (are) in very serious condition."[19] The Czech patient had to be put into a coma, also in a critical condition is Andrej (19), who was shot into the chest and collar bone. He had to be resuscitated twice and the doctors had to take part of his lung. Police officer Karol Vrchovský (35) suffered a non-lethal minor face injury. Nadežda (70) was shot into her leg on the street when returning home from buying groceries. She waited for paramedics in the local pharmacy. Veronika (age unknown) was shot into her right shoulder and forearm. A 3-year-old child suffered a minor ear injury when hit inside a car passing by the crime scene (after the attack its father was unsure if it was a hit or just a cut from broken glass). Vincent Fratrič (79) had to be hospitalised because of temporarily going deaf from having a rifle fired by his ear.

Among the injured is also the son of a known Slovak scientist, Igor Kapišinský. Dominik Kapišinský (19) was hit by four bullets into the stomach area while standing on his balcony on 11th floor of a nearby building.[20]


Information withholding

No information about the attack was made public by the authorities until a press briefing by Interior Minister Daniel Lipšic at 14:39 p.m., despite numerous demands by journalists. This, coupled with the fact that the shooting occurred in a densely populated area with dozens of eyewitnesses with mobile phones, digital cameras and internet connections, created a situation were news media based their reports on accounts from Facebook and word-of-mouth. Many of these information later turned out to be false, yet nevertheless added to the panic.

When minister Lipšic - as the first official to do so - addressed the public over four hours after Harman's death, he started talking about a need for buying new guns for the Slovak police before even telling the public what actually happened and whether it was safe to come outside their homes. In fact, before telling the public what happened, he attacked his predecessor, the previous Interior Minister, talked about the unsuitability of current crime statistics without knowing that the attack was random and managed to praise the police action without any analysis of the police response. Besides a brief message instructing people to stay inside their flats played over a few small loudspeakers on the streets (which are common in Slovakia), citizens were given no information about the shooting until over 4 hours after the attack ended. Actually, after the shooting, no one ever gave the public the information that it is safe again to resume their lives. While Slovak police chief Jaroslav Spišiak and minister Lipšic maintain that the response was well executed and that two minutes after receiving first call the police were already engaging Harman, most of the witnesses agree that the police actions were slow, chaotic and poorly organised.[21]

According to an article published on September 2, 2010 in major Slovak weekly Plus 7 Dní, there was chaos and uncertainty among the citizens at the crime scene. According to journalists Lenka Ďurajková and Lukáš Milan, even in the afternoon, the policmen were outwardly lying to people asking about the safety situation. "Didn't you hear the message over the public radio?!" one policeman is quoted as answering to a question if it safe to go outside. Another policemen is quoted as saying "Do you want to risk it?" when asked by a woman if it is safe to go out with her dog, even when the attacker was several hours dead and the attack long ended.

Discrepancies in the official version of events

Contrary to official version of the events, according to witness Vincent Fratrič (79) it took approximately 10 minutes since Jozef Pútik's (49) death until the first police car showed up.

According to an interview with victim Dominik Kapišinský (19), the police action against Harman was poorly executed and the police did not have the situation under control. At the time he was shot there were already two policemen at the scene, but instead of shooting at the attacker and distracting him away before he shot Kapišinský four times, they were only shouting at Harman.


Investigation of the shootings concluded on July 13, 2011. Six month after the incident, Slovak police were still not able to determine the number of bullets fired by Ľubomír Harman and the number fired by the police. Because of widespread spectulation that some of the victims of the massacre could have been caused by police officers during the chaos of the weakly organised encounter, partial results of the investigation by Expert forensic office of the Slovak Police force (Slovak: Kriminalistický a expertízny ústav Policajného zboru Slovenskej republiky) were made public in February 2011, claiming that the only person ever to be hit by the police was the shooter.[22]

The final results of the investigation were initially released to the TV station Markíza. Its reporters claim that Ľubomír Harman fired 140 bullets (24 inside the apartment and 116 in the street). The police fired altogether 15 bullets, one of them hit the attacker. They also claim that the investigator heard dozens of testimonies and the prosecution was stopped because the accused is dead.[23][24]


Immediate reaction

Interior Minister Daniel Lipšic and the national police chief Jaroslav Spišiak arrived at the site. President Ivan Gašparovič, Mayor of Bratislava Andrej Ďurkovský and Prime minister Iveta Radičová all expressed their condolences.[25] The Slovak government, at a special session on 31 August, declared a national day of mourning on September 2, 2010, to commemorate the victims of the shooting rampage.

Relatives of the perpetrator faced death-threats from the relatives of the victims after the act. After consulting police, perpetrator's mother, father, brother and sister together with their families probably fled to Hungary to take refuge by their relatives living there.[26] Slovak police is unwilling to comment on this issue. According to police spokeswoman Petra Hrášková, "information that Harman's family is hiding abroad at the advice of the police cannot be confirmed or denied".

On September 2, 2010 the authorities had the apartment disinfected and all of the belongings inside hauled to be burned. This caused strong disagreement on the part of the relatives of some of the victims who claimed the apartment contained some valuables. According to footage made by TV Markíza, more police had to be summoned to the crime scene to handle the situation. Authorities claim that one of the attacker's bullets punctured a water pipe in the apartment. This caused flooding and destroyed much of the stuff inside. They claim the situation had to be dealt with because the crime scene posed a public health hazard.

Long-term response

The following day, Interior Minister Daniel Lipšic announced that the Slovak police are ready to implement changes which should prevent similar attacks in the future, mainly the arming of police officers with Škorpion vz. 61 submachine guns. The plan was immediatedly criticized by police and military experts and journalists alike, because this gun has only limited effectiveness at larger distances and would have not changed anything in the case of this massacre. Later, without much publicity, the Slovak police was issued Vz. 58 assault rifles, the fully automatic version of the shooters sporting rifle. Following instances of losing their new rifles by policemen, the measure came under criticism in February 2011, when a policman in Bratislava forgot his rifle on the roof of his vehicle and drove off (it later slipped off at a public transport stop) and a policewoman in Žilina forgot her Vz. 58 at a gas station after a Sunday coffee.[27][28] Moreover, the parliamentary opposition attacked the arming of police, saying that arming even the traffic police with submachine guns invokes "feeling of civil war" and "scares the tourists".[29]

The ownership of automatic weapons by civilians is prohibited under any circumstances (including competitive shooting). The ownership of firearms should be possible only with adequate psychological examinations and that these will have to be retaken every five years.[30] This was actually proposed also in the past but it was never passed into law because of the powerful hunting lobby in Slovakia.

On October 12, 2010 a memorial medal was awarded to Peter Novosedlík by the Ministry of Interior. Novosedlík, an ex-police officer, risked his own life when he helped get the wounded policeman into an ambulance. He happened to be working about 100 meters away from the place of the massacre.[31]

In fiction

On February 17, 2011 the movie "Devínsky masaker" (English: Devín massacre) about the 2010 Bratislava shootings was premiered in Slovakia. This 60-minute movie is a combination of documentary and drama, combining documentary-style opinions of witnesses and surviving family members with quick-paced action.[32] Notably, however, the family of the shooter refused any cooperation with the filmmakers. Devínsky masaker has received generally negative critical responses, for example a week after the premiere, the Czech and Slovak Film Database reported an aggregate score of 28%.[33] Major Slovak weekly Plus 7 Dní concludes its review by writing: "Trailers for this movie, where producers let Harman's friend strongly attack the dead victims and about the murdered half-Roma boy Jožko, they manage only to inform us that at the age of 12 he did not yet smoke, do not necessarily attract people into cinemas. But they are guaranteed to stir the passions." The movie title is technically incorrect, since the massacre took place in the district of Devínska Nová Ves not the district of Devín. Correctly, it would be "Devínsko Novoveský masaker".

See also


  1. ^ (English)Allen Greene, Richard (August 30, 2010). "6 dead, 14 wounded in Slovakia shooting". CNN. http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/europe/08/30/slovakia.shooting/. Retrieved August 30, 2010. 
  2. ^ (Slovak)TA3 "V Devínskej Novej Vsi sa strieľalo,14 zranených, 8 mŕtvych" (in Slovak). TA3. http://www.ta3.com/sk/reportaze/160836_v-devinskej-novej-vsi-sa-strielalo-14-zranenych-7-mrtvych TA3. Retrieved August 30, 2010. 
  3. ^ (English)John M., Boyd (August 30, 2010) (August 30, 2010). "21 injured and 7 dead in DNV, Bratislava, as crazed armed shooter goes on rampage". The Daily. http://www.thedaily.sk/2010/08/30/top-news/19-injured-and-6-dead-in-dnv-bratislava-as-crazed-armed-shooter-goes-on-rampage/. Retrieved August 30, 2010. 
  4. ^ (English)"Slovak shooting spree kills six and injures 14". The Daily Telegraph. 30 August 2010. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/slovakia/7971532/Slovak-shooting-spree-kills-six-and-injures-14.html. Retrieved 30 August 2010. 
  5. ^ a b c d (Slovak)http://www.sme.sk/c/5530233/strelca-z-devinskej-trafil-kuklac.html
  6. ^ (English)Gabbatt, Adam (31 August 2010). "Bratislava shooting spree leaves eight dead". The Guardian (London). http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/aug/31/bratislava-shooting-spree-slovakia. Retrieved 1 September 2010. 
  7. ^ a b (English)"Slovak police said gunman to be lone unemployed rifleman". 1 September 2010. http://world.globaltimes.cn/europe/2010-09/569052.html. Retrieved 1 September 2010. 
  8. ^ (Slovak)http://www.sme.sk/c/5533397/strelec-testy-nemal.html
  9. ^ (Czech)http://zpravy.idnes.cz/silena-strelba-pak-pohruzka-bombou-bratislava-resi-rasove-trenice-10l-/zahranicni.asp?c=A100831_114005_zahranicni_kot
  10. ^ (English)John M., Boyd (31 August 2010). "New information on killer of 7 with video of final minutes of his shooting spree". the Daily. http://www.thedaily.sk/2010/08/31/top-news/new-information-on-killer-of-7-with-video-of-final-minutes-of-his-shooting-spree/. Retrieved 31 August 2010. 
  11. ^ (English)di Paolo, Jon. "Suicide Gunman Kills Six Members Of Family". Sky News. http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Shooting-In-Bratislava-Slovakia-Gunman-Kills-Six-And-Wounds-19-More-In-Capital-City/Article/201008415709172?lpos=World_News_Top_Stories_Header_1&lid=ARTICLE_15709172_Shooting_In_Bratislava%2C_Slovakia%3A_Gunman_Kills_Six_And_Wounds_19_More_In_Capital_City. Retrieved 30 August 2010. 
  12. ^ (Czech) "Slovenského masového vraha měl prý na mušce bývalý ostřelovač. Nezasáhl". novinky. 2 September 2010. http://www.novinky.cz/zahranicni/evropa/210302-slovenskeho-masoveho-vraha-mel-pry-na-musce-byvaly-ostrelovac-nezasahl.html. Retrieved 2 September 2010. 
  13. ^ a b (Slovak)http://www.sme.sk/c/5531916/iba-jedna-obet-strelby-bol-rom.html
  14. ^ "Many die in Slovakia shooting spree". Al Jazeera. 30 August 2010. http://english.aljazeera.net/video/europe/2010/08/2010830191014457501.html. Retrieved 31 August 2010. 
  15. ^ (Czech) "Vyvražděná rodina nebyla převážně romská ani konfliktní". novinky.cz. 2 September 2010. http://www.novinky.cz/zahranicni/evropa/210355-vyvrazdena-rodina-nebyla-prevazne-romska-ani-konfliktni.html. Retrieved 3 September 2010. 
  16. ^ (Czech)"Bratislavský vrah střílel z legálních zbraní. Neměl rád černé, tvrdí místní - iDNES.cz". Zpravy.idnes.cz. http://zpravy.idnes.cz/bratislavsky-vrah-strilel-z-legalnich-zbrani-nemel-rad-cerne-tvrdi-mistni-15n-/zahranicni.asp?c=A100831_073359_zahranicni_aha. Retrieved 2010-08-31. 
  17. ^ (Czech) "O zastřelených Romech se před lety točila reportáž". tyden.cz. 1 September 2010. http://www.tyden.cz/rubriky/zahranici/evropa/o-zastrelenych-romech-se-pred-lety-tocila-reportaz_180167.html. Retrieved 2 September 2010. 
  18. ^ (Slovak) "Vyvraždená rodina z Devínskej Novej Vsi bola vraj problémová". tvnoviny.sk. 1 September 2010. http://tvnoviny.sk/spravy/krimi/rodina-ktoru-vyvrazdili-v-devinskej-novej-vsi-bola-udajne-problemova.html. Retrieved 2 September 2010. 
  19. ^ (English)http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hrHJKJLUuAvPzvQspGSUvo29RzRwD9HUHUF80
  20. ^ (Slovak)http://krimi.cas.sk/clanok/178511/sialenec-zranil-syna-znameho-vedca-dominik-dostal-styri-rany.html
  21. ^ (Slovak)http://www.sme.sk/c/5533372/lipsic-ani-rodina-vraha-nic-netusila.html
  22. ^ (Slovak)http://bratislava.sme.sk/c/5786407/policajti-v-devinskej-zasiahli-len-harmana.html
  23. ^ (Slovak)http://aktualne.centrum.sk/domov/kauzy/clanek.phtml?id=1237551&tro6490_1_0
  24. ^ (Slovak)http://www.casopiszornicka.sk/slovensko/krimi/vysetrovanie-devinskej-masakry-uzavreli.html
  25. ^ (English)"Slovakia to mourn victims of Monday’s shooting spree". The Slovak Spectator. 1 September 2010. http://spectator.sme.sk/articles/view/39957/10/slovakia_to_mourn_victims_of_mondays_shooting_spree.html. Retrieved 1 September 2010. 
  26. ^ (Czech)"Rodina šíleného střelce se obává msty, raději opustila Slovensko". novinky.cz. 4 September 2010. http://www.novinky.cz/zahranicni/evropa/210526-rodina-sileneho-strelce-se-obava-msty-radeji-opustila-slovensko.html. Retrieved 4 September 2010. 
  27. ^ (Czech)"Slovenští policisté ztrácejí samopaly". novinky.cz. 2011-02-23. http://www.novinky.cz/zahranicni/evropa/226022-slovensti-policiste-ztraceji-samopaly.html. Retrieved 2011-02-23. 
  28. ^ (Slovak)"Policajt zabudol služobný samopal na streche auta". webnoviny.sk. 2011-02-23. http://www.webnoviny.sk/ostatne/policajt-zabudol-sluzobny-samopal-na-s/307086-clanok.html. Retrieved 2011-02-23. 
  29. ^ (Czech)"Samopaly mají na Slovensku i dopravní policisté". novinky.cz. 2011-02-09. http://www.novinky.cz/zahranicni/evropa/224772-samopaly-maji-na-slovensku-i-dopravni-policiste.html. Retrieved 2011-02-23. 
  30. ^ (English)http://spectator.sme.sk/articles/view/39956/10/lipsic_gunman_received_fatal_wound_from_police_before_killing_himself.html
  31. ^ (Slovak)http://www.minv.sk/?tlacove-spravy&sprava=medaila-pre-odvazneho-expolicajta-petra-novosedlika
  32. ^ (English)http://www.rozhlas.sk/radio-international-en/news/A-New-Slovak-film-on-the-%E2%80%9DDevin-Massacre%E2%80%9D-?l=2&i=3378&p=1
  33. ^ (Czech)http://www.csfd.cz/film/291377-devinsky-masaker/


External links